The human nervous system is comprised of two major divisions: the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord while the peripheral nervous system comprises of the cranial nerves and spinal nerves (nerves that branch out). The entire nervous system is what gives us the ability to perceive our external and internal environments. It allows us to “feel” and “sense” things via the 5 senses of taste, touch, smell, hearing, & visual.
The pH (acidity/alkalinity) of the blood (which is interrelated with cerebrospinal fluid pH) directly and ultimately affects whether our central nervous system is operating in a depressed state or a “hyper excitable” state. Acidity from elevated carbon dioxide levels tend to lead to a depression of the central nervous system (brain/spinal cord). Alkalinity from depressed carbon dioxide levels can lead to hyperexcitability of the central nervous system.
The primary factor in dictating pH levels for a reasonably healthy human is based on respiration rate. A secondary factor would include diet, physical activity, and compromised organ function.
A respiration rate which is deeper and/or more rapid than normal leads to a decrease in blood carbon dioxide levels which is characterized as Hyperventilation. A respiration rate which is shallower and/or less frequent than normal leads to an increase in blood carbon dioxide levels which is characterized as Hypoventilation. Some of the side effects of hyperventilation/low CO2 include dizziness, light headedness, tingling of the limbs, and if prolonged or drastic enough, seizures and even death.
The ingestion of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) can lead to varying levels of metabolic alkalosis. Excessive amounts of sodium bicarbonate intake has even been linked with premature death in which the subject induced an elevated internal pH of 7.73 (normal is 7.35 to 7.45).
When analyzing the potentiality for seizures from alkalosis, it’s interesting to note that a number of studies cite the endogenously produced hormone Melatonin as an apparent neutralizer of seizures in people with Epilepsy. In 1997, in the Journal of Pineal Research, it concluded that “melatonin (MLT), the pineal gland hormone, can exert a positive effect on the frequency of epileptic attacks in children with sleep disturbances of various etiologies”. In 2000, the journal Epileptic Disorders, outlined that “patients with epileptic seizures had a significantly lower urinary excretion of melatonin”. A 2001 study in the journal Epilepsia reported a “significant clinical improvement in seizure activity during treatment, particularly during the night” from melatonin. In 2010, a study in the Journal of Child Neurology, “showed lower peak concentrations (of melatonin) in the febrile seizure group with respect to healthy controls”. In 2012, in the Journal of Child Neurology a study was published that “concluded that melatonin could be effective and safe for decreasing daytime seizure frequency in patients with intractable epilepsy”.
Back-tracking to the definition of hyperventilation being “deeper and/or more rapid” breathing than normal, this brings us to the question of sleep. A 2010 study in Advances in Experimental Medicine & Biology performed a sleep study on both mice and healthy humans which outlined that “all subjects underwent RIBR (rapid increase of breathing rate) of doubled BR (breathing rate) at least once a night” during REM sleep. Obviously being in an unconscious state, the subjects weren’t willfully hyperventilating but that’s irrelevant as to what is considered the induction of respiratory alkalosis from breath rate. You don’t need a scientific paper to postulate from simple observation that a person snoring violently away while in deep sleep is likely breathing in a much more intense manner (hyperventilation) compared to if they were lying down (but awake) with their eyes closed.
The question then continues… what is allowing the hundreds of millions of relatively healthy people (animals included) to engage in sustained periodic hyperventilation every night as they sleep without inducing the negative side effects of respiratory alkalosis?
(Melatonin levels peak in the body when we are sleeping.)

Based on this fact, it would seem plausible that the negative effects of alkalosis such as seizures could be neutralized with enough Melatonin in the blood stream. Whether endogenous Pinoline and Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) are produced during this time and offer increased, additional “protection” remain to be verified.
A 2014 paper in the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences showcased the effects of the willful induction of hyperventilation combined with “third eye” meditation. It was the first time in a scientific setting that a person had been observed to voluntary control their autonomic nervous system and the innate immune system. These are two systems that had long been believed to be incapable of being willfully influenced by a human.
(Lower chart shows some subjects safely induced a pH as high as 7.75)

There are three interesting aspects of the study:
- The the degree in which respiratory alkalosis was induced
- The purpose that “third eye” meditation served
- The ability to control two systems during a time in which the brain was in a “hyperexcitable” state
I would hypothesize that engaging in hyperventilation led to a “hyperexcitation” of the brain which was safely maintained via an increase of melatonin production from the pineal gland during “third eye” meditation which protects against the detrimental aspects of alkalosis. The “hyperexcitation” allowed the subjects to potentially access parts of the brain to consciously influence body functions that aren’t normally accessible during more “depressed” acidic states.
Another potentially key aspect in offsetting the negative effects of alkalosis in addition to Melatonin are variations in EEG measured brain waves.
Here are the 5 generally recognized brain waves:
Gamma – 27Hz and higher
Beta – 12Hz to 27Hz
Alpha – 8Hz to 12Hz
Theta – 4Hz to 8Hz
Delta – 0Hz to 4Hz
When we begin to sleep, our brain waves transition from a state of drowsiness in Alpha state into the upper range of Theta state… 6Hz to 8Hz. As our sleep progresses we transition into the slower Theta waves (4Hz to 6Hz) and eventually into Delta waves. Interestingly enough when we enter the deepest aspect of sleep, REM sleep (when we dream most vividly), our brain transitions into shorts bursts of Gamma waves (the fastest brain waves). Throughout the night, the cycle of these brain wave patterns continues to drift back up into Theta and back down into REM until we wake up in the morning.
(Here is a visual chart of our EEG waves during sleep cycle)

Based on the pattern of sleep and the documentation of when Melatonin levels peak, it would appear that EEG brain wave state has definitive influence on Melatonin production.
During meditation, it’s been well documented in numerous studies that EEG waves deviate drastically from the “normal” waking Beta wave state. Here is a short list of these studies:
2002 – Neuroscience Letters – “Non-linear dynamic complexity of the human EEG during meditation”
2006 – Psychological Bulletin – “Meditation states and traits: EEG, ERP, and neuroimaging studies”
2013 – Neural Engineering – “Change in physiological signals during mindfulness meditation”
In a high percentage of meditation practices, breathing exercises play a significant role in the technique. This leads us to believe that there is the potential for varying levels of respiratory alkalosis to be induced during these states but that altered EEG waves & Melatonin synthesis play a key role in controlling the negative side effects. This appears unmistakeably different from a person that engages in hyperventilation without the addition of a distinct change in EEG brain waves from a variation of meditation/hypnosis or the natural sleep cycle.
In 2000, the scientific journal “Biological Psychology” published a study in which night-time plasma melatonin levels were measured amongst experienced meditators. The conclusion of the study is that it “showed significantly higher plasma melatonin levels in the period immediately following meditation compared with the same period at the same time on a control night”.
What does all this have to do with “Making a Case for the Impossible”?
Telepathy is officially described as “the supposed communication of thoughts or ideas by means other than the known senses.” The “official stance of science” is that humans are incapable of performing “telepathy”. It’s interesting to note that up until 2014, “official science” had not yet observed that humans were capable of showcasing voluntary control over their autonomic nervous system and the innate immune system. However, in our recent interview with Dr. Steven Barker he stated, “yogis have for centuries demonstrated an ability to control physiological functions through control of innate pathways”. Dr. Barker is completely correct in this statement that Yogis have shown specific abilities over the course of history not easily replicable by the general public without specific training. This is significant in terms of understanding the process of science and it’s “official stances”.
If Yogis have showcased the ability to control their bodies in “unnatural” manners for centuries in which “science” has just recently observed in a clinical setting, it doesn’t equate to “said phenomena” ceasing to exist until “science” observed it. The phenomena existed since the first person on earth was able to showcase these abilities potentially hundreds if not thousands of years ago. “Science” simply had yet to officially observe it in a “science setting” and proceed to explain the detailed mechanics behind how it transpires. The inability of “science” to rationally and logically explain phenomena does not always inherently equate to the non-existence of the phenomena.
Telepathy is controversial being that there are thousands of people throughout history that have claimed to be consistently capable of it in one form or another. There are even more people amongst the general public that believe they have experienced some sort of “telepathic communication” at some point in their lives. The potential mechanics of identifying “how” it might work have yet to be deciphered or even acknowledged in a scientific setting much like until recently… the innate human ability to control systems they were thought incapable of doing so. The main difference between the Yogis and those claiming the “gift of telepathy” is that the Yogis could successfully externalize their abilities to others by sitting in drastically cold environments with no ill effects compared to the average human. This subsequently led to the study of their physiology during these feats.
Taking a very basic approach to “thought transference” or “telepathy”, it appears as though one would need to induce a “hyper excitable” state of the brain rather than a “depressed” state. The theory is that if the brain is operating in a more sensitive manner than it normally is, there is the potentiality for it to “send” or “receive” information that would be indiscernible in a “depressed” state. This would lead to the necessity of inducing a controlled state of alkalosis.
However, alkalosis within itself appears to be inadequate and has too many negative side effects to account for the phenomena of “thought transference” alone. This is why we’ve presented the above information in regards to the apparently natural inherent mechanisms the body possesses to offset the negatives.
Inducing an environment in the body that leads to elevated melatonin levels as well as maintaining a brain wave state outside of the normal “Beta” wave appears to be key. Whether “telepathy” correlates precisely with a specific brain wave frequency or an exact melatonin level has yet to be determined. This is what science does, it studies phenomena and records the consistencies in replication. Once the mechanics of the phenomena are analyzed and logically presented, the validation of the phenomena can now take place and it actually exists in the “science” books. However, it’s extremely important to note that much like the field of Epigenetics identified the utmost importance of environmental factors in terms of gene expression, it would be illogical to assume that a person should exude the same abilities all the time regardless of external or internal environment.
To “wait” for science to “prove” telepathic existence is akin to waiting for science to prove that humans can develop abilities to sit in the deep cold for sustained periods of time without suffering physical ailments. In essence, it’s nonsensical being that humans such as Wim Hof and Yogis have already proven they can sit in the cold for long periods with no ill effects… the only question now is how they do it.
From our viewpoint, one of the most effective ways for people to verify if we are indeed capable of “telepathy” is to utilize the information presented and test the theory out themselves (you will need a willing partner). Take the “woo” out of it and create the optimal physiological conditions necessary for it to work. It seems rather obvious that the worst conditions to be successful would comprise of active thinking/problem solving (Beta brain wave), bright light conditions (daylight, electronic usage), and increased CO2 levels (food digestion, shallow breathing, & body movement). In essence, the general day to day environment for the majority of the public or even that of a science laboratory is likely the precise environment in which a person would be incapable of performing successful “thought transfer”.
If “telepathy” does exist, my guess would be that a person would likely be operating outside of the Beta brain wave (likely light Theta or Gamma, I’ll explain later), possessed a “hyperexcitable”/more sensitive brain (lower CO2 levels from fasting, stillness, breathing exercises), and likely exuded elevated levels of Melatonin (which inherently affects brain wave state). This is where I believe that the emerging market for consumer EEG devices will play a pivotal role. It’s not so much about the accuracy of these devices to identify the precise “telepathic brain wave” but more so the quantifiable recognition that a person has attained a different brain wave than “normal” during successful “thought transference”.
In all reality, Telepathy would serve little purpose in this day and age were communication is free flowing via readily available electronics. However, it might serve a purpose in terms of asking a few “bigger” questions.
For those of you interested in first hand experience of this “phenomena” here are the general parameters for effective “Telepathic” exercises.
- Utilize a combination of techniques to lower carbon dioxide levels in the blood (fasting, stillness, breathing exercises).
- Create an optimal environment for increased Melatonin production (darkness, calmness)
- Induce oneself “Out of the Beta brain wave” using a favorite technique (meditation, guided meditation, hypnosis, Binaural beats/soothing music)
Here is a sample protocol for optimization for the “telepathic” sender:
- Ask a friend to sleep over and try this exercise with you
- Eat a light, early dinner (5pm ideally) abstaining from alcohol or excessive sugar
- Go to sleep by 9pm
- Set a gentle alarm clock at 3:00 am.
- Create a setting of gentle lighting in order to maintain Melatonin levels while still allowing for visual contact of your partner
- Sit directly across from your partner
- Begin 5 minutes of gentle breathing through the nose (3-4 seconds) and out through the mouth (3-4 seconds)
- Utilize the “ball of electricity visualization” technique for 10 minutes (described below)
- Visualize the electrical connection between the ball of electricity in your head and the ball of electricity residing within your partner’s head
- Continue until the “receiver” verifies that they can physically feel a sensation (pressure, tingling, Rapid Eye Movement)
- Once the verification has taken place, you can attempt to send an image (numbers, fruits, auto brands) to them via the visualized electrical connection. In the beginning it helps to start with categorized topics such as “I’m sending you a number between 1 and 20” or “I’m sending you a fruit”.
- It appears as though it is important to visualize the number, object, name, or image as vividly as possible and to project it as vividly and frequently as possible to the sender. After one minute of this you can proceed to ask them what was projected to them.
- It also appears to be absolute key that you attempt to maintain your EEG wave pattern during verification of “connection” and “data transfer”. This can be tricky for most people initially.
Protocol for the receiver:
Follow steps 1-7 from above as they will be exactly the same as the “sender” protocol.
- Keep your eyes closed
- Just relax and try to clear your mind
- Don’t try and logically “guess” what is being sent to you.
- Once your eyes begin to flutter (rapid eye movement) or you experience a tingling sensation in your lower forehead, continue relaxing but cue your partner that a “connection” has been made
- Let you partner attempt to “data transfer” for 1 minute and then tell them what kept consistently coming into your mind
- If successful, maintain your EEG wave pattern in order to continue successful “data transfers”
(Note: If waking up at 3am is too much of a burden, you could eat an early light dinner and attempt the “telepathic” process once they have been in a darkened room with no electronics for 30 minutes. It likely wouldn’t be optimal based on the physiological parameters we outlined but it’s worth a try.)
Ball of Electricity Visualization Technique:
(The “sender” would begin by visualizing a small ball of electricity (size of a small grape) in the middle of the brain (third eye visualization). The “sender” would visualize the ball of electricity begin to slowly grow with each breath. Once the person has visualized the ball of electricity to be the size of large orange (the process should take 10 minutes), they can visualize an electrical current going from this ball to the middle of the “receiver’s” brain where their “ball of electricity” resides. The sender must remain in what can best be described as a “passive” focus. Too much focus will likely bounce them into “Beta” wave which will likely render them incapable of success in this process.
How will you know if a connection has been made in “reality”?
Based on crude observation of this phenomena it appears as though the receiver will immediately go into Rapid Eye Movement or at the very least feel a tingling sensation in between their eyes/lower forehead. In some cases the “receiver” will feel a discernible pressure in the middle of their heads.
Exactly what is causing these reactions? I could not even begin to hypothesize without going into “woo” territory.
It just signifies that there appears to be a physical reaction/cue taking place when a “connection” has been made. Once the “connection” has been made it allows for what appears to be “effective data transfer”. )
To jump straight into attempting “telepathy” without establishing what the physical sensation of “connection” feels like would be irresponsible in terms of a protocol. Telepathy isn’t the art of “guessing”, there appears to be a very physical component to it so physical cues need be utilized in order to to fine tune the process. Once you are able to consistently create a physically discernible “connection” with your partner, it would likely be important to document what precise EEG wave (according to your device) you were in during that exact moment. (Note: an EEG device is not necessary to practice telepathy, only to record waves) In theory, it would be more easily replicable and consistent to successfully engage in Telepathy when the parameters are consistent. This is where consumer EEG equipment will be key in terms of documentation and replication.
In an attempt to tie it all in… I would further hypothesize that the successful telepathic sender is likely bouncing between Theta & Gamma brain waves. Gamma waves in particular signify the synchronization of both the left and right hemispheres of the brain working cohesively which would make sense based on induced alkalosis creating a hyperexcitability of the brain. Based on the fact that REM sleep correlates with Gamma waves, it’s interesting to observe that waking REM (Rapid Eye Movement) can tend to occur during the telepathic “connection” stage. Gamma waves are interesting and mysterious as they not only appear during REM sleep but also in Near Death Experiences, “Out of Body Experiences”, Ayahuasca (DMT), externally induced lucid dreaming, hypnosis, anecdotal “channeling” reports, and during experienced meditation practitioner’s sessions. It’s important to note that while Gamma waves correlate with EEG waves measured above 27 Hz (or 40 Hz depending on perspective), the ultimate magnitude in which they can rise has yet to be determined. There are reports of EEG waves measuring above 200 Hz labeled as “Lambda” waves. In 2008 at the University of Wisconsin, Tibetan monk and long-time meditation practitioner, Matthieu Ricard apparently produced Gamma waves that were reportedly “off the charts”.
In terms of hormone production during these times, it would not be surprising if elevated levels of Pinoline and Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) were present based on their relationship with elevated Melatonin levels as well as taking into account the Ayahuasca induced Gamma waves. It’s also important to note that according to veteran DMT researcher Dr. Barker dimethyltryptamine is synthesized in the lungs.
Projecting who would likely have an easier time being successful at “telepathy” I would postulate that lucid dreamers, somnabulists, experiences meditators or anybody predisposed to having a thicker Corpus Callosum would be likely candidates. This is due to potentially better coherence between both brain hemispheres which might allow for easier access to Gamma waves.
The important thing is to try it out for yourself. It might take a few times before it appears as though you are successful. The “Iceman” Wim Hof has trained regular people how to control their body systems via hyperventilation/meditation but it didn’t happen overnight much like this might not happen on your first try. The best thing you can do is give yourself the optimized environment based on the information presented and go for it.
(Yes, it is well noted that this protocol/practice is not “scientific”. It is based on inducing experiences that will hopefully lead to the curious, brave people in the science fields to study it in a fair, proper manner. This is why I have laid out the potential optimal external and internal environmental parameters for success because if a scientific study is taking place based on a less than optimal setting, it should be duly noted.)
PS. It’s interesting to note that a 1986 study in the journal Hormone and Metabolic Research did a study on THC (Marijuana) effect on Melatonin Secretion in Men. The study found that 120 minutes after ingesting THC in the form of a 1 gram Marijuana cigarette, Melatonin levels were measured at an average of 4,333% higher than the original baseline and 3,000% higher than placebo. This doesn’t equate to DMT Quest condoning the usage of Marijuana for “telepathy” exercises being that it’s not clear if there are any physiological imbalances or disturbances taking place due to the THC ingestion. There is also the potentiality for a negative effect on inducing Gamma EEG waves from chronic Marijuana usage. However, if you are legally cleared to ingest the substance in your geographic area, it is at your discretion to test it out in regards to “telepathy”.

DMT Quest is a non-profit 501(c)3 dedicated to raising awareness and funds for endogenous DMT Research. This specific field of psychedelic research has been underfunded for many decades now. It’s time to take our understanding of human physiology, abilities, and perception to the next level. E-mail me at with any comments or questions. You can also follow us at Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.