As a young child, there were a few kids among the masses that exuded the coordination to ride a bicycle without the need for training wheels. “Training wheels” are an additional set of smaller wheels that attach to the rear wheels of a bicycle in order to provide additional stability. This then allows a young child the ability to ride their bikes without fear of falling over. As time progresses and the child develops greater coordination and balance, the training wheels are then removed.
A recent 2016 study published in the journal Scientific Reports observed that 8 chronic spinal cord injury (SCI) paraplegics would experience neurological improvements in addition to regaining voluntary motor control in muscles below the (SCI) level leading to marked improvement in their walking index. This study would take place over 12 months and utilize brain-machine interfaces (BMIs) including virtual reality (VR) headsets, EEG controlled robots, and visual-tactile feedback mechanisms.
This is the first time that BMIs have ever been observed as being capable of inducing any type of clinical recovery.
While this type of outcome might be considered “miraculous” or “amazing” to some within the scientific community… based on our examples given throughout our 6-Part DMT/Gamma Waves & Wild Theories series, there appears to be a set of reliable, replicable mechanisms taking place. If one were so inclined to study the phenomena further, we might presume that a logical explanation would eventually be developed.
While concepts such as hypnosis, guided imagery, and meditative visualizations are not new to the general public, the inability to explain the specific mechanics of their effectiveness has led to the lack of acceptance and development amongst the scientific community. The fact that virtual reality (VR) incorporates “tangible” hardware in terms of visuatory capabilities, it provides a set of “training wheels” for both the subject and researchers studying the “power of the mind”. The ability to visualize utilizing strictly the imagination has carried with it “abstract” connotations which makes it difficult for some people to effectively implement.There have been countless number of anecdotal claims throughout history in which a person is able to visualize their “illness” away. While the field of science is quick to dismiss these claims as “unscientific” by nature, it is clear that the path is set to re-discover these innate abilities.
In 2004, a study published in the journal Neuropsychologia showcased the effects of mental imagery on strength gains. The study would comprise of 3 groups: physical training, mental training, and a control group. The outcome of the study were as follows: a 53% increase in the physical training group, a 35% increase in the mental training group, and no significant changes in strength for the control group.
In 2010 the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research would publish a study regarding the effects of visualization during rest periods while weight training. The study would comprise of 2 groups (both would perform identical bench press & leg press exercises) with only one group instructed to visualize and feel the correspondent contractions during the rest period. There were 2 measurements of strength increase: maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and the maximal number of repetitions (MR) using 80% control group while the MR was marginally significant. There were no significant changes in bench press MVC or MR when comparing both groups.
In 2011 the journal Frontiers in Psychology would publish a study regarding the effects of physical training compared to visual imagery (3 subsets) & a control group in four commonly utilized strength building exercises (bench pressing, leg pressing, triceps extension, and calf raising). The results were as follows: a 5.1% increase in physical training, 4.2% to 3.0% increase in the visual imagery group, and -0.2 decrease in the control group. There was also a correlation between strength improvement and the ability to visualize vividly.
(Figure 6 from the study)

In 2013 the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience would publish a study regarding the results of visualization in terms of strength gains and measurable brain activity. There were 3 groups in the study that would last 6 weeks: 1st person visualization, 3rd person visualization, and control. The results were as follows: 10.8% strength gain for 1st person visualization, 4.8% strength gain for 3rd person visualization, and a 3.3% decrease in strength for the control group. The study also found that only the 1st person visualization group showcased a significant increase in movement-related cortical potential (MRCP) suggesting that visualization strengthens brain-to-muscle (BTM) command.
Based on this handful of studies, it would appear that there is a definitive correlation between visualization and the ability to actualize strength gains. There would appear to be measurable changes taking place in the brain that would signify the potential amplification of those gains based on EEG data. Perhaps an integration with measuring direct current (DC) brain & body potentials during these moments of visualization would assist in painting a better picture of the electrical alterations taking place. From what I understand (from my limited comprehension) drugs alter the body not only chemically (which is obvious) but also electrically. It would seem that there is room to explore the capabilities of electrical signaling originating in the brain in terms of it’s utmost potential in affecting us from a physiological, biochemical, and hormonal perspective.
Much like the training wheels on a bicycle assists a young child by honing their abilities to eventually ride a bike without them, virtual reality (VR) headsets might be capable of assisting a person develop the neural connections when they are incapable of utilizing their own imagination in a vivid enough manner to induce the physical change. If a person can realize significant strength gains from visualizing themselves performing an exercise, there could lie the potential to utilize the same mechanisms to address disease.
The intriguing aspect of this potential is maximizing the speed and effectiveness of the projected device and protocol. A virtual reality headset could provide the visual stimulation to tap into one’s own imagination but a neurofeedback device utilizing EEG equipment would be necessary to measure the type of brain activity taking place from the VR graphics.
(Here is an example of the current utilization of consumer grade EEG device Emotiv EEG + VR headset Occulus Rift)
While a high quality EEG device has the capability to measure the type of brain wave activity as well as strength of amplification, this would be projected to interact directly with the VR environment. As we touched upon in our 6-part Series + Wild Theories series, it appears as though relaxing the mind deeply allows for the potential to generate robust Gamma waves and subsequent neural pathway formation based on intent.
This is where the DMT aspect lies.
Based on the information we’ve covered thus far on DMT Quest, our stance on potential pathways for endogenous DMT formation should be well established. This is why we presume that potentially incorporating techniques that increase the potential for DMT synthesis appear key to maximizing the effects of this proposed VR+EEG methodology of addressing disease. The techniques could include hypnosis, “Wim Hof Method”, meditation, and binaural beats/music. In addition, legal over-the-counter hypnotics such as melatonin or monoamine oxidase inhibitors such as Syrian Rue, Rhodiola Rosea, or Gingko Biloba could be utilized for maximum effect.
An example for a prototype would be VR software that creates the vision of a holographic body in which a person could “actually see” their internal organs. In essence the person would be able to see all the layers of themselves including the blood, bones, endocrine system, lymphatic system, and nerve fibers when they “look down” at their body. Perhaps the VR software could integrate a pulsometer to add to the realistic effects of seeing a virtual heart that beats in sync with the patients actual heart rate.
(An example of a holographic body projection)
The key would be to induce an altered state in which the EEG equipment would feed the VR headset with graphics that change according to level of relaxation and subsequent focus. For instance if there was a “Third Eye” VR program in which a person visualizes electric current emanating from the thalamus region in their brain to a tumor located in their liver (or any disease for that matter). The thickness and strength of the electric current in the VR screen would be based on brain waves that correlate with deep hypnotic/meditative states via the EEG equipment. The deeper the altered state, the thicker the electric current shows up and the faster the tumor is eradicated. The patient would also be able to enter their height/weight as well as specific ailments/body region issues into the software in order to mimic their physical reality as close as possible.
Over time the software could be developed to show a real-time percentage of disease reversal based on the algorithms of EEG amplitude, time, and focus. Through rigorous testing and real-world applications the software could be integrated with ultrasound devices in order to verify disease eradication that coincides with the these inputs.
While this might sound far-fetched, when digesting the entire body of data reviewed thus far on DMT Quest, it seems very realistic. VR training has assisted paraplegics to regain some use of their legs. Visualization has led to measurable strength gains in multiple studies. We’ve covered the effects of hypnosis in terms of analgesic properties as well as physical manipulation. Altered cell membrane potential seems to be an underlying factor in nearly all disease. This is a discussion about the electric body so it’s a frontier of science that isn’t well known to your average researcher who has focused much of their academic career on genes, proteins, biochemicals, enzymes, and hormones. However, the “electric body” is hardly disconnected from every and any traditional, measurable biological compound found in the body. It is merely a different layer and perspective that is being utilized.
While many spiritual practices across the world are based on utilizing different techniques to induce altered states and incorporating visualization to address disease, the general public isn’t ready for that. Spiritually speaking, the average person is akin to young toddler lacking the esoteric coordination in order to navigate innate systems that they are unaware of. This is why training wheels are necessary and VR+EEG+DMT is the future of medicine as we assist the next generation to remembering their own innate abilities.
It’s not “magic” or “miraculous”… but at the same time it is.
DMT Quest is a non-profit 501(c)3 dedicated to raising awareness and funds for endogenous DMT Research. This specific field of psychedelic research has been underfunded for many decades now. It’s time to take our understanding of human physiology, abilities, and perception to the next level. E-mail me at with any comments or questions. You can also follow us at Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.