Wim “The Iceman” Hof
Wim Hof holds 26 Guinness World Records ranging from cold endurance challenges such as climbing Mount Kilimanjaro within two days to running a full marathon (42 kilometres (26 miles)) above the Arctic Circle at temperatures hovering around −20 °C (−4 °F). Mr. Hof would accomplish both of these feats wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. In 2011, Wim would also complete a 26 mile marathon in the Namib Desert in Africa without ingesting any water. In 2014, a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences outlined the fact that Wim showcased the never before seen ability to consciously influencing both his autonomic nervous system and innate immune system. The most intriguing take away from the study that the 12 participants who were taught the “Wim Hof Method” (with just 10 days of training) were also able to showcase the same control over these systems. This method comprises of breathing exercises, meditative techniques, and cold immersion training. Based on thousands of testimonial reports from WHM practitioners regarding their experiences, we have reasonable basis to believe that DMT is being synthesized utilizing this method.
Wim Hof and/or Wim Hof Method (WHM) featured in the following studies:
“The Influence of Concentration/Meditation on Autonomic Nervous System Activity and the Innate Immune Response: A Case Study” – Psychosomatic Medicine (2012)
“Voluntary activation of the sympathetic nervous system and attenuation of the innate immune response in humans.” – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2014)
”The role of outcome expectancies for a training program consisting of meditation, breathing exercises, and cold exposure on the response to endotoxin administration: a proof-of-principle study.” – Clinical Rheumatology (2015)
“Brain over body”–A study on the willful regulation of autonomic function during cold exposure.” – Neuroimage (2018)