Anton Bilton
Anton Bilton is an international property entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a consciousness researcher. In 2015, Anton launched the Tyringham Initiative (TI) as a world-class think-tank for the evolution, expansion and deeper understanding of the human experience and potential. Between September 2015 and September 2018, TI hosted and curated eleven seminal events at Tyringham Hall including luminaries such as Rupert Sheldrake, Rick Strassman, Dennis McKenna, Graham Hancock, Jeremy Narby, Erik Davis, Ede Frecska, Luis Eduardo Luna, David Luke, Andrew Gallimore, and Amanda Fielding among many others. In 2018, Anton wrote the introduction to the book titled, “DMT Dialogues: Encounters with the Spirit Molecule” based on the events he organized alongside the TI team. As a fundraising advisor to DMT Quest, Anton provides a unique blend of financial prowess, sociological interests, and an enthusiasm in finding answers to some of the biggest questions modern humanity has ever asked.